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Michael Walsh is a creative director, graphic designer and change maker.

Take a look at some recent work.

The Basics

I've worked here:

Digitas, MullenLowe and Arnold. Currently at The King Agency.

My work has been recognized by:

Cannes Lions, D&AD, Effies, ANDYs, The One Show, Communication Arts, Epica, ADC, The Shorty Awards, The Webby Awards, FWA, The Ad Club, ADDYs. And I'm an Eagle Scout who still includes that on my resume.

I studied here:

Virginia Tech gave me a BFA in Graphic Design and a BA in Communication.

People occasionally say nice things about me.

The JFK Moonshot app was featured in Variety among others. FastCompany featured our campaign encouraging high school graduates to vote in the 2018 midterms. Adweek appreciated our fresh approach for Buick. Century 21’s National Stay at Home Day campaign got a shout out in Creativity Online. And I had a student project selected to be published in a book on holiday design.

PDF Resume

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